The Canadian Donkey & Mule News is the quarterly digital publication of the Canadian Donkey and Mule Association.
Membership with subscription
Membership includes digital magazine subscription, registry discounts, and other membership privileges.
Application for membership in the CDMA is made through the
Canadian Livestock Records Corporation
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES (in Canadian funds)
Annual membership $45.00
Family membership $55.00
Junior membership 18 & under $25.00
Foreign membership $55.00
Non-membership subscription
Non-member subscription is for the digital magazine only, no registry discounts or other membership privileges. A great gift for a new longears owner, or an extra copy for your household if you’re already a member!
Purchase online or email the editor for other payment options.
To all addresses: $30 per year (4 issues)
Visit the STORE page to order.
Back issues
From PRE 2020 YEARS ONLY, subject to availability (limited quantities).
$5.00 CAD each, including postage to Canadian addresses.
Extra postage will apply to mail back issues to non-Canadian addresses.
Email the editor for payment options and availability of back issues.
Articles, photos and story ideas are welcome. Email the editor to submit articles, news, events, etc., or to ask for mailing instructions.
Include SASE for return of photos and other material submitted for publication.
Click on the link: CDMNews Ad rates.pdf
To advertise, email the editor.
Editorial policy
Opinions expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Association, the editor, or the advertisers.
Advertising of registered stock should be in accordance with the Animal Pedigree Act (1988).
The editor reserves the right to edit or reject material.
The Canadian Donkey & Mule News is not responsible for unsolicited material and assumes no liability for loss or damage thereto.
Spring issue ................. Feb 15
Summer issue .............. May 15
Fall issue .................... Aug 15
Winter issue ................. Nov 15
In every issue
President’s Message
Donkey & Mule Clubs in Canada
Longears Scrapbook
Bits ‘n’ Pieces
Coming Events
CDMA Fee Schedule
CDMA Board of Directors
Featured Breeder
Breeders List